Friday, April 29, 2011

Modern Interpretation

“Love Actually” is a movie that captures love during the holidays between different types of people. This british film did a good job on showing how anybody can fall in love, even if they don't speak the same language. “Love Actually” was made in 2003 but an even more modern interpretation of this film is the american film called “Valentine's Day” that was released in 2010. “Valentine's Day” is the same concept about “intertwining couples and singles in Los Angeles break-up and make-up based on the pressures and expectations of Valentine's day” (IMDb). “Valentine's Day” is a great modern interpretation of the same concept as “Love Actually.” Both of these movies follow the lives of couples during the holidays, “Valentine's Day” during valentine's day and “Love Actually” is during christmas. “Valentine's Day” is a look at the American version of couples different sizes and ages that ponder upon what love really is and what it means. It's definitely a lot different than the British version cause of the setting and how they act but the concept is the same. The movies are very relatable to many people and it helps us become more aware that love is shown in your own way between different people.

Works Cited:
"Valentine's Day." The Internet Movie Database. 1990-2011. Web. April 29, 2011. <> 

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Friday, April 22, 2011

A Place of Love

"In the current British hit move, 'Love Actually', the story revolves around the build up to Christmas"(Anything but love, actually). This comedy was filmed in various places of London, capturing eight stories that make up this movie. “Love Actually” starts off in an airport called the “Heathrow Airport, with Hugh Grants voiceover reassuring us of the ubiquity of warm, fuzzy feelings” (movie-locations). The airport starts off the movie with emotional feelings and love for each person that comes off the plane and reunits with their love ones. “The magic name of Richard Curtis coaxed Selfridges & Co, 400 Oxford Street, W1, to open its doors for filming” (movie-locations). This was the place where Harry bought a necklace for his assistant Mia in the movie, even though he is married to Karen. “The church in which Peter marries Juliet to the unexpected strains of All You Need Is Love,is the Grosvernor Chapel, South Audley Street” (movie-locations). All these locations are set somewhere in London and so are all the other lovely locations that appear in the movie. “Love Actually” is a good movie that shows many different places through London and it's good to see what it looks like there during christmas time. The setting gives off a nice home vibe that is surrounded by love to the viewers that are watching the movie.

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Works Cited:
"Love Actually filming locations."The Worldwide Guide to Movie Locations. 2008. Web. April 22, 2011. <>.

"Anything but love, actually."2003. EBSCOhost. Tarrant County College Lib., Fort Worth, TX. Web. May 3, 2011. <> 

Friday, April 15, 2011

All Connected

“Love Actually” doesn't have one specific main character but is yet made up of eight love stories that are portrayed in different aspects. “Seperate stories involving a wide variety of individuals, many of whom are shown to be interlinked as their tales progess” (Wikipedia 1). After Juliet marry's Peter, Peter's best friend Mark reveals he is in love with Juliet. Jamie goes to attend Peter and Juliets wedding when he finds out his wife has cheated on him with his brother. Jamie leaves and falls in love with his housekeeper Aurelia who doesn't speak the same language. They both learn how to speak eachother's language and Jamie proposes to her. Meanwhile Harry manages a business and he buys an expensive necklace for his secretary Mia even though he is married to Karen. Karen is suspicous and tells her problems to her brother David and her friend Daniel but they have just as much problems of their own. David has just become Prime Minister and falls for a girl named Natalie who helps out around the house. Natalie moves when the United States president makes a move on her and David ends up finding her and winning her over. Daniel has lost his wife and attempts to help his stepson Sam to tell the girl he loves Joanna how he feels. Sam practices the drums and ends up playing at the school play while Joanna sings. Sam later ends up catching her at the airport as she is leaving for the United States to tell her how he feels. Sarah works at Harry's company and Harry tells her to go after the one she loves and that is Karl. Her brother who is mentally ill needs her and she is forced to stay with him instead. Colin trys to win over Mia, Harry's assistant and fails so he tells Tony he is going to the United States to find love and he eventually ends up meeting four women at a bar. Tony is an assistant of a movie where John and Judy do sex scenes and eventually develop a relationship off camera. All these characters are main characters and are connected in some way through their stories. They are each just as important so I decided that I needed to include them all. They each represent something different to this comedy and it shows how love can be in all different ways with all different people.

Works Cited:

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Thursday, April 7, 2011

A Love Story

Love Actually Poster

"Love Actually" is a movie full of comedy and romance that covers the different aspects of people and their love lives. This movie interests me because it shows that love can be expressed through all ages and sizes and it's a very unexplainable feeling to show toward someone. I don't have any background knowledge about being in love because I have never experience it but many people say it's an indescribable feeling that is hard to even put into words.

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