Friday, April 22, 2011

A Place of Love

"In the current British hit move, 'Love Actually', the story revolves around the build up to Christmas"(Anything but love, actually). This comedy was filmed in various places of London, capturing eight stories that make up this movie. “Love Actually” starts off in an airport called the “Heathrow Airport, with Hugh Grants voiceover reassuring us of the ubiquity of warm, fuzzy feelings” (movie-locations). The airport starts off the movie with emotional feelings and love for each person that comes off the plane and reunits with their love ones. “The magic name of Richard Curtis coaxed Selfridges & Co, 400 Oxford Street, W1, to open its doors for filming” (movie-locations). This was the place where Harry bought a necklace for his assistant Mia in the movie, even though he is married to Karen. “The church in which Peter marries Juliet to the unexpected strains of All You Need Is Love,is the Grosvernor Chapel, South Audley Street” (movie-locations). All these locations are set somewhere in London and so are all the other lovely locations that appear in the movie. “Love Actually” is a good movie that shows many different places through London and it's good to see what it looks like there during christmas time. The setting gives off a nice home vibe that is surrounded by love to the viewers that are watching the movie.

Picture Resource: 

Works Cited:
"Love Actually filming locations."The Worldwide Guide to Movie Locations. 2008. Web. April 22, 2011. <>.

"Anything but love, actually."2003. EBSCOhost. Tarrant County College Lib., Fort Worth, TX. Web. May 3, 2011. <> 

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